X-Ray Bone Fracture AI


Developed a website where doctors can upload images of X-rays and the website will determine the type and location of bone fractures.

Collaborated in a group of five students using GitHub. Developed a machine learning model that identifies bone fractures with 93% accuracy.

Used over ten thousand labeled X-ray images, split into 70% train and 30% test categories, for model training with data augmentation and preprocessing Used Streamlit to create an intuitive and clean frontend.

Trail Twin


Trail Twin is a social media app meant for connection people near you with similar outdoor activity interests.

Key Features are a streamlined login, a user gallery, and a dynamic radius search filter utilising Google Maps API. Users personalise profiles with a slideshow and smooth photo uploads through Cloudinary API. Trail Twin also employs a friendship model with friend requests and an interactive friends tab. how many characters

The tech Stack is Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Google Maps API, and Cloudinary API, Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Movie Rating App


Programed a Flask application where users can view information on movies, login and give movies a rating. Learned about optimal data models and how to translate the data model to SQLAlchemy.

Project Tracking App


Made a website for tracking projects assigned to different teams. Learned how to use SQLAlchemy to create data tables for teams and projects. Used Flask, and WTForms so users can make new projects and assign them to a team (which creates a relationship between teams and projects in the SQL). Also added a feature of marking which projects are complete.

Melon Store


In week 11 of Dev Mountain I made a melon shop. The site features a login form using WTForms where is validates credential saved in a CSV file. I used session to make a cookie for adding/saving users cart and remembering which user has what cart. Available melons are displayed by reading CSV files. The site has a backend framework built with Flask.

Cupcake Store


In week 10 of Dev Mountain I made a Cupcake store. The site displatys available cupcakes by reading a CSV file. When a user orders a cupcakes the cupcake dictionary is appended into the orders CSV file. The site has a backend framework using Flask where it navigates the user to see available cupcakes and the current orders.



I used the Tkinker library to make a calculator application. I used for loops and lists to efficiently display the calculator buttons and the AST library to make the calculations.

Digital Library


In week 9 of Dev Mountain I make a digital library. The digital library uses while loops and input methods to get the desired input from the user. I used functions to navigate the menu and CSV files to read and write books in the library.