About Me
Passionate programmer with an interest in Python, Machine Learning, Web Development, JavaScript, and Game Development. Have been programming for six years and very experienced in the software development life cycle. Known for being a quick learner and great at working with teams.
Hobbies and Interests
- Python
Developing software using Python, Tensorflow, SkLearn, Flask, WTForms, SQLAlchemy, HTML/CSS .
- Javascript
Developing Websites using HTML/CSS, Javascript, Node.js and SQL.
- Unity
Developing and designing games in Unity using C#.
- 2023
Programming at DevMountain bootcamp
- 2023
Digital Gaming at Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- 2022
Computer Science at Western Washington University
- 2022
Woodinville Highschool
- Athletics
My favorite sports are skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, weight lifting, running, and backpacking.
- Programming
I really enjoy programming anything, the problem solving and creativity involved makes me so happy.
- Artistic Hobbies
Artistic hobbies of mine include making digital art, playing the acoustic guitar and cooking for my family.